“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ”
The nuclear family - husband, wife, children - is the core and single most important unit of a nation's greater society. We want to recognize this by screening films that are appropriate for all ages, children's films, as well as films that reflect traditional family values. Stories with strong and positive messages: perhaps about the importance of faith, friendship, community, team spirit, loyalty, honesty or honor. Films that show the need for strong moral foundations and domestic stability in raising a family. Films about familial bonds that traverse generations. As well as films that examine threats to these traditions.
Narrative features and documentaries, shorts, music videos and TV and web content (as well as scripts for the festival's screenplay competition) are all welcome.
Submissions are now closed for the 2nd annual festival. We will be opening submissions for next year’s festival in February 2020. We would then encourage you to submit your film or screenplay via the link below: